Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chapter 5
2:30 (Paris Local Time)
La tour Eiffel (The Eiffel Tower)

“Je voudrais un taxi á la tour Eiffel, sîl vous plait!” Mike, exasperated by the ongoing feud between the members of his team, had taken it upon himself to arrange their transport. While the rest of his team had been bickering like bumbling baboons, Mike had crept away, but only after he had comforted the sadly sobbing Mel. He was the bilingual kid. Knowing how to speak, understand and even read a little of a total of six languages, Andy had forgotten that Mike knew French. So, carefully reading the signs labeled ‘Information’ in French, Mike ran all the way to the Information Desk, where he asked the lady behind the counter for a taxi to the Eiffel Tower. In the airplane, when Carrie and Andy had thought that the other four were asleep, Mike was still awake. He had heard them whisper about meeting Olivia at the Eiffel Tower.

Hoping their plans hadn’t changed, he had asked the woman to get a taxi to wait for them outside the airport, thanked her pofusely for the assistance and raced back to the spot where he had left his team and arrived just in time to hear Andy reveal that it wasn’t only his mom they had to rescue, but their aunt as well.

“Mike.” Carrie whispered to her friend. “Where WERE you? I was so worried you could have been kidnapped by Madame Divvela’s henchmen or something!” now Carrie was angry, but Mike put a hand on her shoulder and whispered back, “Hey, calm down, Carrie! I’m fine, and no one kidnapped, brainwashed OR replaced me! I just went to arrange transport!” Carrie gave out a loud sigh, and then, it hit her. “HEY! I thought you didn’t know French!” Mike responded with an easy chuckle, “I can speak six languages. French is one of them. Andy may have forgotten that, though!”

Carrie let out a nervous laugh. “Soooo, where are we going?” “Ya, where ARE we going, Mike?” It was Andy. Mike was nervous for a second, but then he saw the amused twinkle in his friend’s eye. “How about the Eiffel Tower? The cab’s outside sooo, follow me, madame et monsieur!”