Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Magic Boots

by Rinya Singh

There once was a land called Kangaroo land.It was a land where only Kangaroos lived.One kangaroo’s name was Ron.He was five years old.His sister’s name was Robin.She was a kind hearted sweet girl.She was six, a year older than Ron.They both lived in a house with their mother, Mary and father ,David.They had five turtles as pets who had laid fifty eggs.They also had some wild rabbits in their garden, who were a little tame.Ron went to kindergarten where he played with his friends.

One day,Ron was sleeping outside his house.It was a full blue moon night.At midnight, a pair of boots ,as magical as you could believe,appeared in the sky and landed on Ron’s tummy! Ron woke up with a start and wondered what had woken him up

“Now what woke me up?” he thought.

He could not see the boots as they were invisible.Soon he fell asleep again and when he woke up in the morning, he didn’t remember a thing! Later,he went to school.He had a lovely time playing at kindergarten.He made five new friends.Soon he became very popular.On his way back home,Ron wished he had some Ice-cream cake for lunch.Suddenly he noticed that a plate of Ice-cream cake appeared in front of him!

“ I am very lucky to have not stepped over it!” he thought.

He picked it up and made sure no one was around and took it home.He felt very excited.

When he got home,he found Robin playing in the garden with the rabbits.She was chasing them around and enjoying watching how fast they ran into their burrows.

Ron called out to Robin ,”Robin! Robin! I found this cake on my way back from school !”

Robin came running over, “Where did you find it?” she asked Ron.

Ron then told her that he found it on the pavement while hopping back home.Robin then screamed and shouted with excitement “ Yay! It looks so delicious.I want to gobble it up right now!”

Mary and David came rushing out and asked Ron what the noise was about.Robin then tells them about the cake and how Ron had found it.

“Its nearly tea time” says Mom “ Lets all go inside and have it along with tea”. Mary,David,Ron and Robin , all go inside with Ron being the most excited as he loved Ice-cream cake .It was finished very quickly.

The next morning Ron noticed that the rabbits were silently hopping away from the house.By the time he rushed downstairs into the garden,the rabbits were gone! He was sad and so he went looking for them.He found the rabbits in the big field,munching juicy leaves.

Ron thought,” If only we had a vegetable patch and nice green grass,the rabbits would never leave again and I too will be happy”.

No sooner had he thought this, a vegetable patch sprang up in the front garden.Ron went closer and had a look.It had bright red tomatoes,sweet carrots,delicious potatoes,red radishes,big green english cucumbers,crispy,green,leafy lettuce and a whole garden of fresh green grass.Ron was amazed and hopped with joy.

He called on Robin who came rushing and said,”Oh Ron! What’s the matter with you?” to which Ron said,”Why? dont you see the garden!”.

Robin looked around and was bewildered to see the garden with fresh vegetable patch.She called out,”Mom! Dad! Come quick!” Mary and David come running and David asked, ”Whats the matter?”

Then he stopped and saw the garden and he and Mom say together,”How did this happen? This morning the garden didn’t have such a beautiful vegetable patch or the fresh green grass!! ”

Ron and Robin say,”We don’t know how it happened but we can surely bring back the rabbits and feed the turtles and Mom can cook a lovely stew,isn’t it Mom?”

Mom nods her head and says smilingly ,”Of course,dear !”

So, Ron dug up a few carrots,Robin plucked a big lettuce bunch while Mom and Dad got busy picking some tomatoes, potatoes and English cucumbers.

Ron laid down a trail of carrots from his home to the big fields.He wanted to entice the rabbits to come back home and his plan worked ! All the rabbits came hopping along the trail with each of them holding a carrot in its mouth.They looked very happy and contended.Robin washed the lettuce and when she was done,she brought it to the turtles tank and was surprised to see that all of the eggs had hatched !

She quickly put the lettuce in the feed bowl and cried out, ”Mom ,Dad ,Ron ! come quick ,the turtle eggs have hatched !”.

But nobody came as they were all busy with the new vegetables they had found. Robin then began to play with the hatchlings .Mom got busy preparing dinner .Then Ron came back home very happy and looked for Robin to tell her that the rabbits were home but is surprised to see her playing with the hatchlings. He joins Robin. When dinner is ready, Mom calls the out but Ron and Robin don’t hear as they were busy playing with the hatchlings. Mom goes out looking for them and finds them with loads of egg shells and hatchlings.

She said,”Wow! When did they hatch?” to which Robin said, ”Mom ,I called you, Dad and Ron but you didn’t come.”

They all went inside and enjoyed the delicious dinner made out of the fresh vegetables in the garden.

At dinner table ,Dad asked ,”Where are we going to keep those fifty hatchlings?”
Robin said,” Dad, could we make a huge tank for them?”

Dad said,” To do that ,we need loads of material. It will also take quite a lot of time to build it.We will plan and then start making it.”

They all go to bed after a nice dinner .

But Ron stayed awake .He wished ,”Oh! How I wish the tank would be ready tomorrow !”

He woke up early the next morning and went out in the garden to get some fresh air and see the hatchlings. But to his astonishment ,he saw the big tank was ready in front of him. He was further surprised when he saw that the tank was fully equipped and the hatchlings were inside it! He was amazed and couldn’t believe his eyes .

Ron thought “how could Dad get all the material and make it overnight ?!”

But he didn’t know that the boots were granting him the wishes ! He called Robin who came running down to see what had happened .She was in mid-sentence saying “ Ron…..”but she stopped because she saw the big tank standing in front of her .
She asked Ron about the new tank.

Ron said “I don’t know .Dad must have made it overnight !”

Robin called out for her Dad and Mom . Dad tells them that he did not build it as he was asleep all night . Now Dad, Mom ,Robin and Ron ,all thought that this was something very strange .Then Ron realized that the cake appeared out of nowhere , the garden transformed and now a new tank appeared! He then became aware of the fact that whatever he wished for ,was coming true ! He then told it to everyone .They also thought that Ron was right. At this,Robin told Ron that he could wish for something and if it came true,the theory would be right.So Robin asked Ron to wish for a new purple dress for her.Ron wished that his sister had a beautiful purple dress and no sooner had he wished for it,the dress appeared in front of him! Robin was stunned and so were Mom,Dad and Ron.

Mom said,” Ron,please wish for a nice new apron for me.”Once again,Ron wished for it and the apron appeared.Dad also wanted to give it a try.So he asked for a new tool box.Once again,it appeared in front of Ron!

So they all thought that someone or something was granting Ron the wishes .They all wondered what could that be.

Mom then said,”Lets go to bed now and tomorrow we all will put our heads together and think what could be granting Ron the wishes”.

Everyone agreed as they were tired and sleepy.Ron couldn’t go to sleep and he wished he had a clue.No sooner he wished that,the boots appeared in his room and a little bird popped out of them and said,” Tweet,tweet,hello! My name is Bells.What is your name?”

Ron was astonished and stuttered,”M.. R.. R..R.. Ron.”

“Well,hello R..R..R..Ron !”

Then Ron said,”Bells,my name is Ron,not R..R..R..Ron.I got scared that’s why I was stuttering but now I feel better.”

Bells said,”Here is a clue.”

“What clue?” asked Ron.

“Why,the clue you wished for.” said Bells.

Ron realized that Bells was the clue he wished for ! Ron felt very excited and thought that he would atlast know who gave him the wishes and why.So he asked Bells what was the clue.Then Bells explained that it was she who was the master of the boots and had landed on his tummy by accident.Ron wanted to know the whole story.

Bells began.She told Ron how she was travelling in the boots to a cheetah’s house but was so hungry that she decided to land and have some food but the boots dropped down on Ron’s tummy.Bells came out and made the boots and herself invisible as Ron had woken up .Bells looked around the house for something to munch over but couldn’t find anything that she liked.So she decided to stay and see how the kangaroo family fed themselves and their pets.She soon found out that they didn’t have enough fresh food to eat and feed.So she granted Ron ten wishes .

At this Ron exclaimed ,” I still have three more wishes ! Yey !!”

Bells then told Ron that he must use all the three wishes before the next blue moon as she would have to leave by then.Ron called out everyone and told them about Bells and the last three wishes. He brought the boots with Bells in them to show everyone.They all decided to wish for some fruit trees in the garden,some fun games and new clothes for all.Ron then wished for all of these and they were granted.

Then Bells came out and said,”Farewell everybody !Enjoy your wishes and keep well! Bye !”

Mom,Dad,Ron and Robin all waved their hands to Bells who was up in the sky and said together,”Farewell Bells ! and a big Thank you !”.


  1. This is such a sweet story! I enjoyed reading it so much.I guess you love animals.I liked the part when Bells addresses Ron as R..R..R..Ron !

  2. @ Katherine

    Thanks ! You guessed right.I love animals.Do you like animals?

  3. I do like animals.I have a pet cat,Shelly.She is very cute and cuddly.
    Its amazing that a little girl like you can write such sweet stories :)
