Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Rabbit - Crystal

I got Crystal, my pet rabbit a week ago and it was a very quick decision as we had not thought about it much before buying .She lived with two other bunnies at the pet shop. The two other bunnies were – a black bunny and a brown bunny. Crystal is a white bunny with pinkish-reddish eyes and she is only 10 weeks old now.

We brought her home in a cardboard box. Her hutch couldn’t fit in the boot of the car so we had to dismantle it and keep it in the back seat. I had to sit on the front seat holding Crystal in the box.

Once home, we first put her hutch outside but didn’t have the heart to leave her there so we put her inside the house. I gave her some hay and fresh carrots but she didn’t eat them. I tried to pick her up but she retreated as she was very scared. After sometime me and my mom decided to take her outside in the garden.Crystal came in my lap and held me very tight. She looked very cute. When I was about to let her down on to the grass,she scrambled back onto me! After another try, she hopped onto the grass but this time, she didn’t want to come back to me!

Crystal now loves eating grass, lettuce, grapes, cabbage, tomato, hay and carrots. One day, while Crystal was grazing, I got my other pet, Tiny the hamster to play with her but I guess they didn’t even notice each other. Crystal sometimes lies on her side on the ground stretching her paws and hind legs out. On the second day, while I was at school, my mom was alone at home and she checked on Crystal and saw that she was completely still with her paws and hind legs stretched out with eyes wide open and my mom thought that Crystal was dead but she later found out that that is how they relax and sleep with their eyes open.I really, really love her and I think she also loves me and tells me by sometimes licking me.

Now every morning before going to school I take her out to graze.She also likes it when we go out again in the evening.


  1. Hey! You sure are one lucky girl. I wish I also had a rabbit as pet when I was a child (hearing from you that they are cute and fun to play with). I am sure it is fun to clean her hutch as well. Good luck and loads of fun time with your new pet.

  2. @ Ajit

    Yes it is fun to clean the hutch and groom her as well but the only problem is that we have to do that every single day !!

  3. Hi! I also have a pet rabbit.It's 2 years old and its fur is black.
    Your bunny is very cute! It wont be long before it begins to run around and you find it difficult to catch it!!

  4. @ Anonymous

    Thanks for visiting.
    My bunny is already running a lot and it is getting difficult to catch her! She did a kind of binky yesterday !!
