Saturday, March 6, 2010

Rose and the Magic Mirror

by Rinya SIngh

Once upon a time in a land called Bunnieland , bunnies roamed free and there were no people. Rose was a three year old bunny who lived in MorBunnie, a very modern part of Bunnieland. Her best friends were Skye and Lia. They all lived next door to each other and everyday after they had done their homework, they would go to the park. When any of them went on holiday to places like Bun City and Bunniewood ,the others would probably go along without their parents. If their parents wanted to go too, they could. Skye, whose parents were very rich and lived in a Bunsion normally planned all the trips. Rose’s parents weren’t very rich but they didn’t care.

Rose and her friends loved their teacher ,Mrs Bentlowf. Mrs Bentlowf was funny and nice. Mrs Bentlowf sometimes let them play games in class and on fridays, she told them to secretly bring civies to school and they could wear them. Mrs Bentlowf gave them only maths and reading to do for homework so they didn’t have to spend one hour on homework and not get to play. Rose and her friends took turns to go over to each other’s house each day.

One day, while Rose, Skye and Lia were looking for things in Skye’s huge attic to use for their play , the Bunny Princess ,suddenly Lia shouted, “Hey guys, look what I’ve found!” both Rose and Skye thought that their friend had found some treasure .But instead of a treasure of some sort, Lia was holding up a big but beautiful mirror! Lia hopped over to them and showed them it to them closely .But her little paws weren’t stable, so the mirror wobbled and fell! Surprisingly, the mirror didn’t crack and break ,but it stood upright by itself and suddenly it grew arms ,hands, legs, feet and a sleeping face. The girls watched, awe-struck as the mirror’s eyes opened and it stretched it’s arms and yawned . Then, the mirror person blinked and looked around and when he saw Rose, Skye and Lia staring at him he asked them, “Now, who woke me up?” he asked .

Lia put a shaky paw up and said, “I did.” “Well ,” said Mr. Mirror, for that is his name, “Thank you for waking me up! My name is Mr. Mirror and you are…?” he asked. “My name is Rose .” said Rose. “ And this is Skye and Lia.”

“Well,Rose,Lia and Skye,I don’t suppose you have some grub for me to eat? You don’t know how peckish one gets after sleeping for a thousand years!,said Mr.Mirror.
So Skype ran downstairs and took out nearly half of the contents of the fridge as her parents were out.When she got to the attic,Mr.Mirror grabbed all the food and gobbled it up in two seconds.Now that he was full,he lay down to have a nap but promised to wake up soon.

When he was asleep,the bunnies knew that they would have many adventures with Mr.Mirror and they talked all through the evening planning and dreaming!


  1. A good attempt to write fewer details in your short story!

    Do any of the dream adventures of the bunnies come true?

  2. @ Rima

    Thank you!

    I am still thinking about the adventures of the bunnies and Mr.Mirror and hopefully will come up with something interesting!!
