Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Woodland Flood

I guess it all started when I was going to be sold as an exotic pet in England, but escaped and ran away to the nearest patch of woods I could find .I made friends with all the friendly animals there .There was a family of 3 squirrels,2 bunnies, 5 hedgehogs and a raccoon, just like me! Her name was Rella, and she seemed to like my name, Rolla. We soon became fast friends.

What we didn’t know that that since our patch of peaceful woodland was near a huge dam and there had been a lot of rain lately, that dam was on the brink of releasing an enormous amount of water and causing a flood mainly in our space of woodland.

 I was clever, since I was taught to read and write by my wonderful mother and father, who also taught me to scavenge and read discarded newspapers from bins. I again put those skills to use by stealing the newspapers and reading them. I found out that the dam near our woodland was about to flood our home! The safest place for us as I worked out, was the RSPCA.
We went there, played dead outside the building to make the people notice and take us inside, one by one. They put us in comfortable cages next to each other so we could talk.  In a few days time, when the flood had subsided, the RSPCA returned us to the forest.

Once we got over the shock of seeing our homes partially destroyed by the flood, and repaired them ,we had a feast of berries ,nuts, carrots ,lettuce, fizzy berry water, and my favourite, sweet chocolate cake soaked in the fizzy water! When me and my best friend, Rella, were tired,(and stuffed!), we went to our tree top house, which, luckily hadn’t suffered major damage from the flood, settled down and talked about the last few days. 

When there was no more to talk about, we wished each other goodnight and hoped that there were no more natural calamities in store for them. I swore to continue reading newspapers everyday !

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