Friday, May 15, 2009

My Dad’s got an Alligator By Jeremy Strong

In this hilarious book,Ronald,Nicholas’s dad brings home a surprise from work,an alligator and names it Crunchbag. Ronald puts Crunchbag in Nicholas’s mom,Brenda's bath and it eats up all the soap and the plastic toy boat.

Ronald doesn’t think that Crunchbag is dangerous as he claims that it is a vegetarian so it won’t eat people in the house.Brenda doesn’t like anything with lots of teeth as they can eat meat.One day while Ronald was at work,Nicholas and Brenda were looking for granny and when they couldn’t find her Brenda thinks that Crunchbag has eaten her.But it turns out that she was at the video store buying a new snooker video.

Crunchbag is finally given away to the zoo because it causes too much trouble.Brenda tells Ronald that he can have a pet except a crocodile or an alligator.And he brings home a vulture,which I find really funny.

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