Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets

By J.K Rowling

Mr.Dursley and his family are having dinner with the Masons, the builders with whom they were going to sign a contract .Mr.Dursley runs a drill making firm called Grunnings .Suddenly, a house –elf ,a magical creature, appears on Harry’s bed and introduces himself as Dobby but they normally work as servants in a wizarding household .Dobby warns Harry to not go back to Hogwarts because he says that terrible things are going to happen there.But Harry does not listen to his warnings as he thinks that it is the only place he has friends .He does’nt agree with Dobby about not going there so Dobby levitates Harry’ s Aunt ,Petunia’s pudding and then makes it crash onto the kitchen floor.This was a funny part.This gets Harry into big trouble with the Dursleys as the contract does’nt get signed as the owl also comes flying in and scares Mrs.Mason away .Mr.Mason runs after her and telling the Dursleys that she hated birds.The effect of this incident was devastating for the Dursleys and Harry.

Later,his Uncle Vernon pays a man to fix bars to Harry’s windows so can’t escape and meet his friends but one night,one of his friends,Ron Weasley comes flying with his twin brothers,Fred and George in a car,their dad has enchanted.They rescue Harry from The Dursleys.

There are four houses at Hogwarts: Gryffindor ,Hufflepuff,Ravenclaw and Slytherin. They were the founders of Hogwarts.Slytherin was more choosy about the children coming to Hogwarts .He thinks that only pure-bloods are supposed to be allowed in Hogwarts ,the others refuse ,so Slytherin leaves the school and he makes the Chamber of Secrets and says that his heir would kill all the Muggle-born in the school.Lots of Muggle-born children are Petrified at Hogwarts including Harry and Ron’s best friend Hermione.They are very shocked when Professor McGonagall’s,a teacher at Hogwarts tells them about Hermione being Petrified

It is very exciting when Harry,Ron and Professor Lockhart,a teacher at Hogwarts,find the Chamber of secrets,a legendary place inside Hogwarts.It is thought to be the home of a monster and Lockhart tries to remove Harry and Ron’s memory but the charm backfires.It is very funny.

It is very frightening when in the chamber,the basilisk,a giant deadly snake,starts to chase Harry.

The second Harry Potter book is a joy to read but terrifying at the same time.I did smile and laugh a few times.

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