Thursday, July 30, 2009

Adventures Of Fluffy ,the Hamster

by Rinya Singh

Fluffy was a cute little girl hamster with a fluffy grey coat,therfore ,her name was Fluffy.She was owned by a girl named Tulip.Fluffy had lots and lots of fun with Tulip everyday.On some days,Tulip would put a leotard and tutu on Fluffy and play ballet with her.One day,Tulip made a jungle gym out of cardboard,old plastic rings and leaves from her garden.It looked very exciting.She put it on her bed so Fluffy could play on it.Fluffy climbed through the rings,bit through the cardboard and had a rest in the bed of leaves.

Tulip always took very good care of her pet.She locked the cage everyday and made sure it was locked at night as well.One day,her friend Lily came over to her house for a play date.That day,it rained heavily and Lily’s mom couldn’t come to fetch Lily back to her house.So Lily had to have a sleepover at Tulip’s house.That night,Tulip forgot to secure Fluffy’s cage! Being a very curious little hamster,she went out to explore!

Soon she found out that the curtains in the living room were easy to climb on and since the window was open enough for Fluffy to squeeze through,she popped out into the garden.Once she was in the garden,she suddenly saw Tulip and thought “oh no! she will put me back into my boring cage! I don’t want to go in ! I want to have some fun in the garden tonight.”So,little Miss Fluffy hid behind a tree,waiting for Tulip to go back to her room and sleep.But strangely,Tulip wasn’t moving!

Fluffy got very tired waiting behind the tree and slowly began to creep out into the garden and since she was a very active hamster,she jumped around and found herself on Tulip’s hand!Tulip didn’t react.But then,Fluffy realizes that she is not on Tulip’s hand but instead she is on a goblin’s hand! She feels very scared and begins to tremble.Then she sees that the flowers and bushes in the garden are nothing but elves and goblins.Fluffy asks an elf why they captured her.The naughty elves and goblins all sit around Fluffy and say together,” for fun!”

The elves quickly push Fluffy onto a dry piece of sand.All of a sudden goblins come rushing up with a very beautiful flower growing potion which they pour around Fluffy.Bright,colourful flowers spring up as soon as it touches the ground.Five goblins and ten elves hurry to the nearest vine tree and cut off four long strips of vine.They all hurry off and give it to the other goblins who are holding Fluffy captive in the flower patch.Fluffy got very scared,thinking,”what are they going to do with the vines?” The elves then take the pieces of vine and quickly tie one end to a flower stem near Fluffy’s paws and the other end to her front and hind paws.Fluffy was trapped !! “What will happen now !” She thought.

After tying Fluffy,all elves and goblins run away and disappear into the darkness.Fluffy wonders where could they all have gone?Then suddenly she thinks that she could try and escape.She tries to stretch her neck and bite off the vines binding her to the flower stems but she fails to do it.She lay there for what seemed like hours and hours and she dreamed how Tulip would find her and rescue her.But her dream was interrupted by a little light,coming out from behind the trees.She spots a very pretty fairy,dressed in spider silk with lots of colourful flowers,hopping merily around the garden patch.Fairy stops to admire the beautiful flowers in the garden.Her name was Crystal.While she was busy looking around the garden,Crystal suddenly spots Fluffy and says,” how did you little cute hamster get stuck in there?I must save you!”She was a very kind hearted fairy.Crystal takes out her lovely ,sparkly wand and quickly mutters a fairy spell which Fluffy couldn’t hear.The secret spell to free someone in trouble was “Hadin Freein” and was supposed to be said four times very softly and in a whispering voice.Soon Fluffy was free!

“Now”,Crystal says “how did you get stuck there?”Fluffy tells Crystal everything .After hearing the whole story,Crystal gets very angry and say,”We have to tell The Princess ”.Fluffy asks,”Where is The Princess?” ,to which Crystal answers,”Up in the clouds,of course!”Fluffy gets very excited but is also worried as to how she is going to get there but suddenly she finds herself flying up in the air with a beautiful pair of shimmering golden wings which Crystal has magically put on Fluffy.Fluffy exclaims,”Hey,Crystal,how did you do that?” Crystal laughs and says”Magic!”

Soon they were flying faster and faster towards a beautiful palace hidden among the clouds.Crystal and Fluffy land on the palace gardens and Crystal takes a silver knocker and taps it on the door.A cute little elf opens the door and lets them in.Crystal then leads Fluffy to princesses chamber and knocks upon a golden knocker and a pink fairy opens the door.When she sees Crystal,she quickly lets her in.Fluffy is also let in and is then led into a beautiful room where she sees a another fairy all dressed up in a sparkly silver gown.The princess,Lisa,asks Crystal and Fluffy,”What brings you here?”, to which they both tell their story as to how Fluffy was captured by the elves and goblins and how Crystal had saved the little hamster.

Once hearing their story,Princess Lisa gets very angry and asks her special pink fairy to bring the snow white rabbits and the silver chariot.They all leave together for Fluffy’s garden to arrest the elves and goblins.When they reach the garden,Princess Lisa,pink fairy,Crystal and the snow white rabbits make themselves invisible by the magic spell of Fairyland.The Princess asks Fluffy to go back to the place where she was tied up and shout”Help,help me, Tulip!”.

So, Fluffy does as Princess Lisa had told her to.After a while,all the elves and goblins come out ,wondering why Fluffy was shouting.They all had been sleeping in the trees and didn’t notice that Fluffy had gone missing.When they all come out,Princess Lisa,Crystal,the pink fairy and the snow white rabbits,all appear and the elves and goblins turn pale and all say together,”Oh! The Princess!” and gulp.
Princess Lisa then commands that all the goblins be put into the Fairyland jail and the elves become Fluffy’s servants.She tells Crystal to stay with Fluffy as a guard so that the elves couldn’t trick little Fluffy again.Princess Lisa then snaps her fingers and she,pink fairy,snow white rabbits and of course,the goblins, all go back to the cloud palace while Fluffy,Crystal and the elves all stay in the garden.Crystal tells Fluffy that she and the elves will only be active at night and during the day they will turn into tiny flowers in the garden.

Crystal then notices that its about to be dawn and asks Fluffy to go back into her cage inside the house.Fluffy reluctantly goes back but promises to sneak out at night again to play with Crystal and the elves.

In the morning,Tulip and Lily have their breakfast outside in the garden and notice the little flowers which Tulip had never seen before.They both think that they are wild flowers but very pretty to be plucked out and thrown away.So they let them be.After their breakfast,Lily is ready to go home but wants to see Fluffy one more time.Tulip brings the cage in the garden for Lily to see Fluffy.As soon as Tulip opens the cage door,Fluffy runs towards the tiny flowers.Tulip picks up Fluffy and gives her to Lily to play with.

Fluffy thinks,”Oh! Only if they knew what happened last night!It was scary but tonight its going to be fun!”She really wanted to tell Tulip and Lily what an adventure she had.

From then,the cute little nocturnal Fluffy had no lonely moments as she had ten elevs and a kind hearted Crystal to play with.

( In the loving memory of my pet hamster,Fluffy)


  1. Its an excellent short story! I just loved reading it and found myself completely engrossed in it.
    I am sure you miss your adorable pet.
    I look forward to read more of your stories!

  2. @ Rima

    Thanks so much!! I enjoyed writing it too.I do miss Fluffy a lot.
