Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mr. Mirror and Sweetieland

Rose, Skye and Lia were playing Bonoply in the attic with Mr. Mirror who was now bankrupt. Skye and Lia were slowly starting to bankrupt Rose and Lilah, Skye’s cousin, who they had trusted enough to introduce her to Mr. Mirror. She had wanted to tell their parents about him but they insisted that she wouldn’t so she gave in and didn’t tell their parents.

So, they were playing and suddenly, Mr. Mirror said, “I’m hungry! You little buns got any food?” Rose, Skye and Lia smiled.

They knew that Mr. Mirror had an enormous appetite while Lilah just looked at him blankly. Rose hadn’t told her that he had an enormous appetite. So she told her about his love for food. Lia said, “Sure we do! I’ll go and get some for you!”

“What would you like?” she asked.

“Hmmm, I’d like a…..” Lia didn’t want to go through the whole list so she grinned and said “I’ll get you everything that’s in there! OK?” and without waiting for answers, she hopped down the attic steps and headed towered the kitchen and when she opened the fridge, which was an AHl3764862001 model from Bunnuika Companies, and gave a scream of surprise when she saw that ants and mice were swarming the fridge and every single crumb of the contents were GONE!

She shrieked and all the servants of the threshold came running to her and said “What is it, Miss Lia?!?” she sobbed, “I was hungry, and so were my friends and cousin, so I decided to go and get some food for us! B…..b……but the fridge is swarmed w…w....with ants and mice and they have eaten ALL the food!” she started crying and the servants said “OH NO! But you’re lucky because your mommy has just gone shopping!!!!”

“Why?” said Lia “we had a lot of food already before the ants and the mice ate it all!!”

“Oh,” said Dannie, the cook said, "Your mommy wants me to make a strawberry, mango and blueberry SoufflĂ© Surprise for you ,so I gave her a list of things to get so I can make it tomorrow !!!!!”

“Cool !” cried Lia “But tell her to get the usual food stuff too. And tell her what happened, as well !!”

“Yes, Miss Lia !!!!” said Debbie and Debby, the twin girl bunnies who helped Dannie in the kitchen.

Lia, pleased, ran back to the attic and found Skye, Rose, Lilah and Mr. Mirror waiting for her.

“Where’s my food !!!!?” asked Mr. Mirror

“Sorry, Mr. Mirror,” cried Lia, “But there was no more food in the fridge !!! The ants and mice ate it all up.” she added, seeing the disbelief on Mr. Mirror’s face.

“Oh, I….I….I…..guess its OK.” he said.

"What’s wrong Mr. Mirror?!!?” asked Rose.

“I…I…..It’s just that I am starving a…a….and I’m really hungry and I can’t wait one more second to get a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Large pizza once your mom comes back !!!!!!” He said in a dejected voice. Lilah, who had been quietly sitting in a corner, listening to the radio, suddenly said “Hold it, you guys! Listen to this !!!” turning up the volume.

The bunnies and Mr. Mirror listened to the radio and heard the newscaster saying
“Just in: A Buncar 300500 has overturned in the parking lot of the “Fancy French Food” grocery store. The name of the lady in the car is Mrs. Patricia Rowckwood of 94 Buntool Street. She has been taken to hospital with a broken leg and a broken arm .Her family is advised, except her children, to come and see her at the Buncitipal hospital. She was reported to be buying ingredients for a SoufflĂ©. Thank you.”

Everyone looked at Lia, their faces pitiful. Her mom had been injured. Lia was looking at the roaring flames of the fire, her face aghast. She was crying (which she rarely ever did). Mr. Mirror started bawling, not because he cared about Mrs. Rowkwood, but because he wouldn’t be getting food any while soon.

Finally, Lilah said, “I’m really; really sorry about your mom, Lia I wish we could do something to cheer her up!” “Thanks, Lilah but you heard the newscaster, she doesn’t want us around.” said Lia.

“Oh, that’s just what he said. How do you know that’s what your mother said?!?!!” said Skye said.

Rose, who had been comforting Mr. Mirror and asking him questions, said “Hey guys, Mr. Mirror says he has………well, the power to travel to fairylands …….like never land, from Peter Pan and Narnia, from the Chronicles of Narnia, and …….well, you get the point, right?!?!??”

“Yeah, yeah we get it!” said Lia in a hollow voice

“So what?” (They weren’t as surprised as Mr. Mirror had told them a new magic power appeared in him when he needed it most. It didn’t fade after a while, though, it stayed forever so he could use it whenever he needed it most !!!)

“Well, Mr. Mirror could take us to a land of sweets, couldn’t he? Then we could get some of your mom’s favorite food, Lia, to cheer her up and he could fill himself up with food !!” cried Rose.

“Hmmm…..” said Lilah in a thoughtful voice, “Well, it is a sensible idea… But I want to know........ How DO we get there??!?!?!”

“Ah,” said Mr. Mirror in a sad voice, “That I will disclose, once you all consent to Rose’s plan”

“But its crazy ,it’s INSANE, it’’s....." , said Skye in a shaky voice.

“Calm down, Skye!!” said Rose, Lia, Lilah and Mr. Mirror.

Skye had confessed to them last year that she was afraid of travelling, whether by land, sky or sea. She had endured travelling with them to other buntries and she really hated it.

“It’s OK,” said Mr. Mirror “THIS travel is different !!!” , cried Mr. Mirror in an exasperated voice.

“Don’t PUSH her !!!” Cried Lilah, “If she doesn’t want to go, she has a RIGHT to stay here and you can’t stop her!” she cried.

Skye smiled gratefully at Lilah. Lilah had been a good friend to her and it was through her she had met Lia and Rose.

They all thought Mr. Mirror was going to start bawling or shouting at Lilah but, he just hung his head down and said “I think you are right. BUT...... who wants to come?!?!?!?!?!” he asked in a cheerful voice. Only Rose and Lia raised their paws.

Lia looked at Skye and Lilah pleadingly and they both remembered that they were doing it for Lia’s mom, and not just for fun. So they both together said, “Alright, but ONLY this time !!!!”

“Thank you, Lilah, Skye !!!!” said Lia in an overjoyed voice. “It’s a pleasure, Lia, since it’s for Mrs. Rowckwood, I mean, your mom. And my aunt” said Lilah in a soft voice.

Mr. Mirror said, “Well, if you’ve finished chatting, we will proceed.” he suddenly said.

When they looked at him in surprise, he said, “Now, hold each other’s hands and Rose, hold onto mine and Lia’s hand and, Lia, you hold Skye’s hand and Skye, you hold Lilah’s hand, who will hold my hand, too. I’ll tell you what to do right now and why we have to make a circle. Okay.” he said, taking a deep breath, “I’ll tell you why we have to make a circle: Since this type of travel is very, very cold so we need to stay in a circle because the heat will warm us all. Do you understand?!?!?!?!?”

They all nodded to tell him that they understood.

“Right,” said Mr. Mirror, “I need you to repeat after me; FIGGY ,FAGGY,WHUM, WE WANT TO GO TO SWEETIELAND!!”

They all shouted together,” FIGGY ,FAGGY,WHUM, WE WANT TO GO TO SWEETIELAND!!”
Suddenly their background faded into darkness. The never ending darkness caused Lia to whisper to Mr.Mirror,”Where are we?!?!?”

Mr. Mirror didn’t answer.

( to be continued...)


  1. This is so cute ! I cant wait to read what happens next :)
    It is nice to see that you can write such long stories with so much detail.

    Please post the next part quickly !!

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the story especially the radio announcement !

    I too cant wait for the next part. Waiting eagerly and anxiously ...

  3. This is so sweeeeet. I can't wait to read more and go to Sweetieland too...This tooo good.

  4. @ ALL !!

    Thank you .

    I will try and complete it soon !!!
