Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mr.Mirror and Sweetie Land


After about half an hour, the scene melted into much more pleasant things:

Candy trees with a chocolate bark, all kind of sweets in every shape and size that popped out of the ground and weighted down candy-trees.

Lia picked one up and she popped one in her mouth. “It’s delicious!!! Come on, guys, try some!!” So they all started to pop the little candy floss-balls with much enthusiasm and after they had picked up and eaten nearly all of the candy-balls, they all said things like “AMAZING” and “YUMMY NUMMY TO MY TUMMY!!!!!”

Lilah suddenly said, “Hey guys, here comes a Gummy Bear! Wow! He sure is huge!” Mr. Mirror, who had peacefully, tasting the different shades of the grass and placing bets like -“I bet you BS 5867 that this grass is much yummier than that dark green grass over there!!!”(By the way, just if you’re wondering what ‘BS’, it is the currency of Bunnyland.)

He was placing a bet with Lia when Lilah had said a gigantic Gummy Bear was approaching. At first he had thought she was making a joke but then Rose tapped his shoulder, her eyes wide. She whispered- “It’s true!” in his ear. His face fell when he looked towards the horizon and he saw a gigantic Gummy Bear galumphing over a giant chocolate hill. “PHEW!!!!” Mr. Mirror sighed “It’s not tooooo close ...” He asked Skye, their amateur ‘guesser-of-the-distance-between-us-and-the-thing-we-fear.

She said “Welllll......... according to my calculations, it is about.........”she gulped and said “45km’s away.” she said in a small voice.

Mr. Mirror’s face looked forbidding.

“This is not good, not good at all.” he moaned.

”Why??!!?!?!?” said Lilah, feeling dismayed, “I thought you liked Gummy Bears!!!!!” “I only like them if there’re sweets, and........”he gulped “and I don’t like them if there’re about 5674392 meters high. And I once read in the ‘Magic Mirror Times’ that they are friendly, well, if you call friendly............. EATING YOU UP AS SOON AS THEY SEE YOU!!!!!”

“Yikes!!!” cried Lia. “I never knew the TRUTH about Giant Gummy Bears!”

“Nor did I ! “said Lilah.

All the buns said “NOR DID I” and stuff like that.

Mr. Mirror said “QUIET!!”

All the bunnies looked at him.

Shocked, Lia, Lilah, Skye and Rose said “Mr. Mirror!!” in a whispering voice,
“What is it!?!” They whispered, outraged.

“Well,” said Mr. Mirror in a satisfied look on his face, he said” I want all you buns to dig a little safe -hole for all of us. Do you want to know why?” And, without waiting for them to answer, he kept on saying, “Well, because the Giant Gummy Bears only rely on sight, we will be hidden from it and it will not see us!”

“But,”said Lia, “If the entrance of the hidey-hole is uncovered, won’t the Gummy Bear SEE us?” she asked in a scared voice.

“Well,” said Mr. Mirror, “We will have a plan for that.” He chuckled and told them his plan, that they would also make a series of tunnels big enough for them and Mr. Mirror to fit in, but also big enough for the Gummy Bear to fit inside. And when they asked what the tunnels were for, he said “For a speedy escape!”So they got into action. The bunnies worked on the tunnel while Mr. Mirror worked on a map of the underground tunnels.

The map, when Mr. Mirror had finished it, was showing their escape route into Mr. Mirror’s Sweetie land friend, King Fudgedrop’s castle.Even though King Fudgedrop was actually a piece of fudge he also liked eating Giant Gummy Bears.

Mr. Mirror’s plan was simple; they would stand very near the hidey-hole, chat, scream and hoot. Once the Giant Gummy Bear was very close, they would run into the hole and let the Giant Gummy Bear get within a whisker’s space .........and in the last few seconds they had to, turn the other way and leave the Bear failing in the dust. Mr. Mirror had to carry some food for them. He also had to carry a disguise for all of them as the Giant Marshmallows grading the gate to King Fudgedrop’s castle were blind and couldn’t see properly but they ( the Giant Marshmallows,)relied on hearing and smell.

Suddenly, the Giant Gummy Bear came thundering along the hilltop.

Mr. Mirror said, “Well, this is it, guys!!” They all hugged each other, took a deep breath and started to do everything Mr. Mirror had told them to; stand very near the hidey-hole, chat, scream and hoot. Soon, the Giant Gummy Bear was very close to them and panting in excitement that he was going to have a very special dinner at his home- Fried Magic Mirror (AKA ‘Mr. Mirror), and grilled baby bunnies!!!!Lia, Lilah and the other bunnies were shivering and shaking. Mr. Mirror and Rose practically looked like stuffed chickens for Christmas dinner, Lia and Lilah resembled people looking at a squashed and plucked turkey, Skye looked nonetheless a wretch. They gulped and said their “farewells” and stared at each other like they would never see each other again. No doubt it, they would either die at the Gummy Bear’s hands or, if they were lucky enough to get past him, at the Giant Marshmallows.

Mr. Mirror had thought that he the Gummy Bear would chase him first, but, the Gummy Bear had a change of mind and had decided that he would chase Lia first, so, Lia and the others had expected that he would trick them, so they knew what to do, all jump in the hole at the same time, to confuse the Gummy Bear. Now, he Gummy Bear was confused and went first after Lia, then Lilah, then Skye and Rose then, he singled out Mr. Mirror and chased him to a Endearment field and cornered the G.B standing in the field and Mr. Mirror, standing at the end of the field and at the start of the Sweet ‘n’ Sour forest. Mr. Mirror, the most clever and witty Magic Mirror the worlds had ever seen, could not escape this terrible plight, no one could! Suddenly, Mr. Mirror saw a chance to escape; the G.B’s legs were wide open! So, he gathered himself, and ran, ran faster than he had run ever before and he escaped!! The G.Bs are not very clever, so that G.B only thought “Boohoo, he ran away, so cute!”

So, Mr. Mirror ran, and ran till he heard voices calling: “Mr. Mirror, were are you, Mr. Mirrooooorrrr !?!” he said, exhaustedly-“Over here guys, over here!”
luckily for him, Skye had wonderful hearing so she tracked him down and found him sleeping underneath a sweethie tree (in case you’re wondering what a sweethie tree is, it is a delicacy native to Sweetie Land which they are very proud of.)
Mr. Mirror had come across the sweethie tree he remembered from his school days –he had been an excellent student and he remembered two facts concerning the sweethie tree from his looking-glass stage-

1.That if you take one seed from its mother-tree, wherever they planted it, it would grow very quickly, though not as fast as in Sweetie Land, but fast, fast, fast compared to normal trees anywhere in the normal world! And they never died, no matter where they were.

2. A sweethie tree’s fruit wasn’t like other sweets, the sweethie wasn’t bad for your teeth, health or overall wellbeing, in fact, it was the best sweet you can eat as it cleaned your teeth, and acted as a medicine ,mineral or vitamin, which ever you told it to be!

Skye woke him up and said, “Mr. Mirror, Mr. Mirror, what happened, what happened??!!”

Mr. Mirror, who was feeling a bit woozy, said, “ Can I have a swethie puuuuurrrrlease?” and promptly fell asleep again .Since Mr. Mirror had told them all about the sweethie tree and the fruit it produced.

So, as the animals in Sweetie Land could talk and understand everything’s language, they asked a nearby squirrel if he could be as kind as to run up the tree and get them eleven sweethies (one for each of them, King Fudgedrop and one for planting in each So of their gardens.)

Sammy,the squirrel they were talking to, said-“ Great timing!! I was just about to go and get some for myself and my friends!! I’ll get eleven all right with five for myself!!”

“Thank you, Sammy!!!” they chorused.

Up Sammy went, up the tall,tall tree. Sammy came down with five fruits and said “I’ll be back with six!” and went up the tree again. Soon, he was back with six fruits and they said “Thanks!!” Sammy said “My pleasure, say, where are you guys going anyway?”

This was a very nosey question, but as Sammy had been so kind to them, they just had to ansewer!! Well,” said Lilah and told him the whole story. After the story, Sammy said “Who is this “Mr. Mirror” you talk about?” so they told him the whole story.

He said “Where is Mr. Mirror now?”

“Here.” said Mr. Mirror, who had woken up and followed them very quietly. Lilah introduced them to each other and they became instant friends. Soon they were all chatting around a campfire that Mr. Mirror and the buns had built and munching on sweethies, and other delicacies of Sweetie Land that Sam(he had let them call him that) had collected.

Soon, they noticed it was getting dark so Sam asked them if they had time enough to stay at his tree house for the night. They gladly accepted as they had not thought about where they were going to stay during the cold nights.

They head off to the tree house home of their pal,Sam.Soon, they reached his house. It was something quite simple,but that had a cutting-edge feel to it. It had, on the outside, a plain, but quite luminous yellow paint job, a plain inside but with T.V’s, DVD players, computers and a whole lot of other cool stuff.

“I made it myself.” Said Sam, looking proudly at his handiwork.

”Wow,this is some amazing stuff!!”, said Lilah, amazed that a tiny squirrel could have made such an astonishing tree house. Mr. Mirror and the others were just too amazed at the tree house to comment on anything but Sam said “This way, guys!” and he scampered up some stairs they had’nt seen before, Sam had scampered up the stairs and they saw that every time he jumped onto a step, that step log out up in a dancing stream of colours everywhere. So they all ran up the stairs and stepped into the house.

“Woah!” said Rose, in a whispering voice “It’s better on the inside than on the outside!” sighed Lilah in a soft voice.

“O.K! Let’s get this party started!” said Sam in a DJ voice. He went over to the biiiig wardrobe in the corner, called the others over and said “All right we all need to choose a outfit just right for a club !! OK, bunnies you look in that section there marked ‘Buns!!’, Mr. Mirror, you to the one on the far end, the one that is marked ‘Magic Mirrors!!’ and I’ll look in the the one marked ‘Sammy!!’, since it’s my clothes, they’re on top of the ‘Buns!!’ section, Mr. Mirror, could you please pick me up and put me inside the section??”

“Sure, Sam,” said Mr. Mirror, “I’ d love to!!” and he picked him up and put him down neatly on the high shelf.

So, Mr. Mirror chose a military outfit, perfect for the dance–floor, Rose, a sparkly,and shiny rose-red mini dress with a great selection of accessories ,great for the dance-floor. Lia, a frilly cerise(a hot pink colour) bikini top and bottom with matching high heels, accessories,and a glitter-fun faux fur purse,Lilah, a super-hot silver outfit, complete with a bolreo shrug, a purse, and all the accessories you could wish for.

Skye came up with a plain sky-blue outfit with very few accessories and an attractive pair of blue ballet shoes.Sam had on a cool ensemble, complete with a gold necklace, a droopy top with shorts and a big gold loop on his ear.

They all were awestruck by each others ensemble and they said in chorus”Wow, cool outfits, guys.Like mine?!” and they all looked at each other and laughed, well, everyone except Skye, she thought that they were laughing at HER and she said “ What are you guys laughing at?!” they all looked at each other and Sam said “We were laughing at the fact that we said ‘Wow, cool outfits, guys, like mine?!’ at the same time!!” “Oh,” said Skye, “I..I... .thought you guys were laughing at ME!” they all started saying things like “Oh, Skye we’de never laugh at you!!”,” Dear me, Skye, what made you think of that??!” and “Well, your ensemble does look a bit strange, go and wear something else!!!”

Skye said “I think I’ll go and change into something more pretty. Thanks for telling me that I don’t look very attractive in this outfit, guys.Rose, Lia, Lilah,can you please come and help me choose a better outfit?Not you,Mr.Mirror!!Neither you Sam!!”

“Aww!!” said Mr. Mirror and Sam together.They had been looking forward to helping at least Skye with choosing her clothes. But Skye and the girls were adamant, they were firm and said the boys either had to go to the bathroom, kitchen, the living-room , the bedroom ,the balcony or they could go to the woods for a walk, but they certainly couldn’t be in the wardrobe room!! Mr. Mirror and Sam wanted to go to the market to get some food for the house, since there was only nutty fruit salad, nut pie, and an old nutty chocolate cake.

Since Sam’s store of food was getting low, and were all very tired from the day’s events, so they all needed a large dinner to fill them up so they could sleep properly for the duration of the night and still have enough food to feed six hungry people for a seven day trip to King Fudgedrop’s castle and back to say that the King of Giantworld was using his power to make anything small, BIG on the harmless little gummy bears into giant, hungry ,evil and small-brained.

When the gummy bears are small and normal, they are very, very smart and they graduate at the top of their class, even with the meringues competing.The meringues are very competitive and they are also very clever, but not clever enough to beat the gummy bears in a surprise test! So, Mr. Mirror and Sam set off to the forest trade market, where you could either trade or buy the thing that you wanted. Lia, who always had a bag full of money where ever they went, had given Mr. Mirror a whole lot of money in a plastic bag, and Sam had a whole basketful of sweethies to trade in for the food, Lia told Mr. Mirror to go to the bank as soon as possible so he could change his currency into what they use in Sweetie Land, which is ‘S’ ,Sweet is what they call it. BS1.00 is equivalent to S2.00. Since Mr. Mirror had BS.599.00 in his bag, he was lucky and was given S.1,198 at the bank. Soon, they were at the forest trade market and buying everything Mr. Mirror and Sam thought they would -need for a long seven day and six night trip to King Fudgedrop’s castle and all the way back.

Of course,it would be easier to send a letter, but as Mr. Mirror had said, it was more proper to go there personally in this matter, containing fears about a possible war between the two neighboring countries. Mr. Mirror thought of everything but comfy traveling clothes and they were lucky that Sam had decided to check if they had had everything they needed and, at the end of checking, he said to Mr. Mirror, “Ayaye, Mr. Mirror, you’ve left out the clothes!!”

“What cloths?!?!” asked Mr. Mirror, truly bewildered.

“Clothes, not cloths, you silly mirror, you!!!”sighed the exasperated Sam .

“Ooooohhhhhh, clothes, then why didn’t you say so??!”Sammy sighed and shook his head. Mr. Mirror went back to the tree-house and dumped the twelve backpacks. He had bought a few extras in case one or two got lost. Three liquorice cutters, since they were going to pass through the Grand Liquorice Jungle, two changes of heavy climbing boots ,for….. well , you know what they are for, don’t you!!??Two small tents, for Mr. Mirror and Sam, since they wanted to sleep in different tents , and one big one for the four girl bunnies to share. He had included four pairs of socks, each, and a whole lot of food.

Meanwhile, Skye’s best buddies and cousin had put together a masterpiece outfit made out of pieces of clothing in Skye’s favourite colour; shades of blue, aqua and bluish green. She had been sent out to watch a movie on Sam’s home theater, play on his nintendo ds XL or play on his WII. They had called her into the wardrobe-room only after much argument and discussion, they finally agreed to put together a outfit in the shades of blue, aqua and bluish green. It had taken hours and hours to find the perfect outfit for Skye. She had practically watched every single movie in Sam’s movie drawer and was watching ‘Cool, let’s PARTY’ for the 2nd time and was getting bored. After the movie, Skye certainly did not want to watch the movie again. As she looked around the room and wondered what to do, she noticed a laptop computer on in the far corner of the room and remembered what Sam had said to all of them when they were standing outside the tree-house, “Whatever you do, DON’T go to the far corner of~ the fun digital room.” they had all said yes but then she had asked “Why can’t we go there?!?!” Sam had said “Please, it’s a little private computer, otherwise known in your world as I, B’s PC, which stands for ‘ I, Bunny’s Personal Computer,’ so, it’s quite personal, and it won’t do me any good if you look at it!” “Oooh, alright!!” said Rose, “We understand!” Lilah had said in a gentle whisper. So, Skye thought that because they had all agreed on the matter, including her, so she couldn’t even play games on it, which was what she actually wanted to do. She hesitated, because there wasn’t any other computer in the room, but there was one in the wardrobe- room, but her friends and cousin were using it and would not like it if she asked them to even get into the room only because she wanted to play some games on the computer, they would tell her to GET OUT and she couldn’t possibly take it into another room as it was not a laptop but a desktop computer! Poor Skye could not do anything until an hour later, which she spent in the kitchen, cleaning it up for Sammy, since he couldn’t reach anything higher than his waist.

While she was rummaging in the cupboards, she found a strange note, she read it out loud “TO: Mr Sammy Sqirrelincki. FROM: King of Giantland, Mickey” ,she broke off and gave an amused giggle, “King Mickey of Giant land!!” she said “HA,HA!” “Dear Sammy Sqirrelincki ,I, King Mickey of Giantland have come to know of your fantastic hospitality from my prisoner, King Fudgedrop of Sweetie Land. Hmmmm, surprised, dear friend, are you that your sister and your brother, Maxi and Max havn’t told you about it, and that about the fact that they havn’t come home in quite a while?!? Well, I King of Giantland have captured both your sister and your brother as well as the rest of your family!! Why, you ask me?? I have captured Maxi and Max because I want you to tell me if you see any Magic Mirrors who go by the name of Mr. Mirror .

to be continued...


  1. Hey Rinya !

    WOW ! your story is coming up great !!

  2. Your story is getting very interesting and exciting !

    How long is it going to be ? :)

  3. @ Rima

    Its going to be very long.I have already written a few more than 5000 words altogether.

  4. This is awesome, I am sure it will worth the wait to read all of it...Well Done!!!
