Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dissecting Owl Pellets ? Eww !

Today I went for another exciting experience at the Jo’burg Zoo. First, we ran to the Education Center to put our bags down and be told what we were going to do. Temba and Imelda told us we were going to hide food for the tigers but, they changed their minds and told us we were going to go to the caracals instead.I was a bit dejected as tiger is my favorite wild animal.But it was still fun in the caracals’ cage! We had fun hiding and rubbing on the rocks ,all the herbs and mince-meat. After spending about fifteen minutes at the caracals’ enclosure, we went to the speckled bears’ home and started hiding slices of watermelon, orange and apple as well as dead chicks and fish.

After giving the animals their food,it was our lunch break and I relished a tramezzini .After my lunch, I folowed some hens and found a hen's,cock and chicks’ hideout, in a huge bush! They looked so cute! Then we went straight to the Discovery Center and watched the trailer for the new upcoming movie, ‘The Legend Of The Guardians. The Owls Of Ga’ Hoole.’ about four times. After that, the TV personality Le-Roy from E-TV, a South African channel and the TV crew came to film us ,dissecting owl pellets .We learned that owl pellets are made up of bones and fur and even feathers of something it has eaten. Owl pellets are kind of like owl vomit of the things it can’t digest in an oval or round shape and can either be dark brown, a dusty peachy colour .We dissected them and separated the bones from the fur and matched them to a chart Imelda gave us. This reminds me that now I am on the Brazilian, courtesy FIFA ,Swedish and Norwegian T.V channels,courtesy my school, as well.I wish I could watch myself!

The day ended with a surprise gift ! Imelda gave us two free tickets each to the premeire of ‘The Legend Of The Guardians. The Owls Of Ga’ Hoole’. Some people were more lucky and got an owl plush toy .Though I wasn’t one of them but I enjoyed my day !


  1. The chicks do look cute! You sure seem to had fun at the zoo.

  2. @ Katherine

    Yes,they were even cuter up close !
