Monday, July 8, 2013


 1:00 PM 

After Mel had successfully calmed the team down and got them to head over to the tv room (Informally called POP- Place of Plans) which they used as an improvised meeting room, even though it was distracting to see Cotton and Candy, Mel's twin pet dogs barking at the cartoon figures on the TV screen.
"Alright Andy, what's the plan?" Said Mike, lounging on the comfy chair, eating Salt and Vinegar Pringles with a resigned look on his face. "The plan, my frivolous friend, is to go to Paris." David toppled off his chair, hitting the ground with a THUD!

 "P-p-Paris?? Why- Who- What- How??” He stuttered. Even Debbie, who usually was very easy-going and was ok with all of Andy's crazy plans, spat out some of the Coke that she had been sipping "Woah! Rewind! Did you just say PARIS, as in THE Paris? You can't be serious! That's where Madame Divvela has her base! You can't expect us to go there! It's MADNESS!! You're gonna get us killed-" thankfully, Mike had had enough of Mel's rant, and put a hand over her mouth, ignoring her screams of protest."I hate to admit it, but Debbie's right! What are we going to DO there? All we're going to be able to do is hide in the spy underworld, under the French government's protection, hoping Divvela doesn't get wind of our arrival!

Andy sighed and asked, "Before I start explaining my motives, do you two shell shocked spies have anything to say?" he gestured to the remaining pair, Mel and Carrie. Carrie looked up and saw the entire team staring at her she stood up and spoke to the room "Well, you've all said it all haven't you! Debbie, Mike, David, do you have ANY other ideas? Andy has an idea, and- correct me if I'm wrong- his ideas are usually the best we can come up with! We all know Andy well, at least I do, I don't know about you lot, and I trust him! His plans are always well-thought out, and he wouldn't purposely take us anywhere where we would be in danger! So, Andy," she exhaled and turned to him, "even though this may be the craziest plan you've ever had, but I know your plan will help us find..... mom." She sat down quickly. 

Mel put her arm around her best friend, looked up to the stunned room of kids, "Well?" She glared fiercely at her friends. 

Mel was very protective of her shy best friend and had never, and wasn't going to let, anyone bring her down. "You all are a bunch of ungrateful morons! None of you have any regard for how Andy and Carrie are feeling right now do you? We only lost our mentor, but Andy and Carrie lost more that just their trainer, they lost their mother! And if you insensitive dolts think 'oh hey, it's ok! Lets NOT use the only plan we've got, lets wait for another month or two and WAIT for a plan to just appear out of thin air!!!" 

The room was as silent as a deserted ghost town. Nobody spoke until Mike looked up and in a considerably softer tone than before, he whispered, "I-I-I'm sorry, Andy, Carrie. I never thought of it this way. I only thought it would put the team in danger..." He trailed off. "I guess when Debbie started raving, I wanted to outshine her argument, because of our petty rivalry. I'm really sorry..." He slumped back into his chair, his face red from embarrassment.


  1. WOW Rinya ! Your story is coming up great.Keep it going !!

  2. So what happens next! Suspense is killing. So PLEASE HURRRY... Up....
