Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Curse of the Egyptian Mummy

By: Pat Hutchins

This mystery story takes place a few miles away from Middle Claydon, where the Hampsted Cub Scouts sometimes camp.Akela, which in Hindi means alone , Skip and all the fifteenth Cub Scouts hear on the radio that a dead man’s body has been found who appeared to be a victim of a deadly snake bite,and now people and police are searching for the snake. The Cubs ,as the boy Scouts are called ,persuade Akela ,the scout leader and Skip,his assistant , to stop at a village on their way to camp to use the public toilets there. When the boys were getting back on the bus, Sam, a Cub, found a black statue of an ibis. Since they had left their owl mascot at home, Akela allowed them to keep the statue as a substitute mascot. At the campsite, they met up with Victoria and her parents, Mr and Mrs Webb, who were to be the helpers at the campsite.

Once at the campsite,Sam put the ibis statue inside a hole in a tree. That night , around the campfire, Akela told everyone a ghost story and coincidently the first two sentences he said actually came alive.First,an owl hooted when Akela said so and secondly,a ghostly white figure flitted through the trees when he said so.Everyone gets scared.When Mrs. Webb went to get some marshmallows to toast,she came shouting ,” the tents have been ransacked!” Everyone in the camp gets very surprised after hearing this news.

The next day,Miss Hylyard,owner of the camp site and of the big house which she had turned into a guest house told them that she had to sell the house and the land as it was getting very expensive to keep them running.Akela promised Miss Hylyard that after supper they would do a sing-song for the guests and her.Then Victoria,Sam,Peter and Nathan ,all asked Miss Hylyard is she or her guests had been looking for the snake the past night near their tents but she denied it.

After Miss Hylyard went back to the house,Akela decided that they do their artist badges.Albert cheered as he already had his red and yellow artist badges and he would get his green one too.Akela found that there was clay in the river so they could make models if any of the Cubs wanted to.Albert made an excellent copy of the ibis which everyone had forgotten about.

Sam , Peter and Nathan did models of owls but they didn’t come out good as they kept on thinking about the intruder who messed up their tents.The twin brothers made egg shapes and said the baby birds were inside.It was very interesting as everyone did something different.

Akela suggested that while the models were drying,they could go for a nature ramble.On their return they found out that Albert’s marvelous statue of the ibis was broken.

The title has little mention in the story.I don’t think its appropriate.it should be something like ‘The Mystery of the Egyptian Ibis’.

Its not a high level mystery story as compared to ‘The Three Investigators’ and Sherlock Holmes but I still enjoyed reading it.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Alvin and the Chipmunks 2

The story has a hilarious start when Dave, the owner of the three chipmunk brothers , knocks over a huge cardboard photograph of Alvin ,one of the chipmunks,at a concert and has to go to hospital as he gets seriously injured.

Alvin ,Theodore and Simon ,the three cute chipmunks ,go to see Dave at the hospital to wish him a speedy recovery but instead cause mischief and trouble by jumping on the controls and making Dave’s bed go haywire! Alvin , who was causing most of the trouble ,finally gets a strong sedative injection by the nurse and goes to sleep. Dave informs the three chipmunks that his Aunt Jackie will come to take care of them while he is in the hospital and they will also be starting school. But another funny thing happens when Aunt Jackie arrives at the airport with her grandson Toby.She is in a wheelchair which rolls back onto a staircase.The moment she thinks she is fine ,she rolls back down another flight of steps and lands in hospital herself.So Toby has the responsibility to take care of the chipmunks.

Toby begins by taking them to school.The first day at school isn’t too good as the school boys get jealous of them because when chipmunks go to their class, all the girls surround them as they are famous rock stars and girls want to talk and hold them.At the cafeteria the boys tell the sweet chipmunks that,
“If you talk to the girls,you are dead; if you look at the girls,you are dead; and if you think about the girls,you are dead”.

Their school desperately needed to help the music department because it was falling apart and it needed money to save it.The only way was to win the music competition .Mr.Ian has three singing chipmunk sisters and he wants to use them to make money by their singing talent.He does publicity for them by getting them entered in the school music competition.

How the chipmunks finally enter the competition and save the three sisters from cruel Ian is very exciting and adventurous .

When Alvin joins the school’s football team and helps the boys win the game is another very amusing part of the movie.

The entire movie was entertaining.It was a cheerful end of the year kids movie.I missed out on watching “Alvin and the chipmunks 1 “ but Part 2 makes me imagine that it was sure a big hit as well.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jackles,Hyenas and Honey Badgers

So our next Honey Badger Club took us to the Jackle and Honey Badger enclosures.We were lucky enough to have just met the Hyenas from the outside and not inside their enclosure!

Nicole, our group leader from the Zoo, told us that we will be visiting these carnivores and then do some interesting art and craft activities at the end of our five hour visit to the zoo.We were going to go to the jackle’s enclosure first.We took their meal with us.Some of the kids went inside the enclosure and some stayed outside.I went inside with about seven other kids and Nicole.The jackles were still inside!There were three of them,very sweet and cute.We put raw hide bones covered with salad,dog treats,both frozen and fresh and some frozen chicks.I held a chick.It felt very hard but not at all cold.

Next we went to the Striped Hyenas enclosure.There we just threw a little bit of salad,mince-meat and raw hide bones covered with mince meat over the walls of the enclosure.We didn’t enter the enclosure as the hyenas are very vicious.

Later, we went inside an empty honey badger enclosure to smear honey and put some eggs for them to eat.I guess the honey badgers were taken away from the enclosure as they are very ferocious animals. Nicloe told us that once a vet went inside the honey badger enclosure and landed in the hospital with a chunk out of her leg, taken out by one of the ferocious honey badgers.

Back at the Education Centre,we made paper dragonflies . We painted them with bright colours and laminated them as well.We also made wings and put cello tape to stick them on.

After a long and tiring day,we came back home,happy to have got the opportunity to see the animals so closely.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Weaver Bird's Nest

Once upon a time there was a little girl named May Mc Fair.She had two friends, Amy Flewstock and Ann Mc Fish.She and her friends were eight years old , went to the same school and were in the same class as well.They all loved nature and animals.One day,they were at May’s house and were playing outside in the garden when Ann spotted a fallen weaver bird nest.

Amy picked it up and said,” What a cute nest Ann found!” Ann and May agreed.They all went inside to show to May’s Mom .May said,” Look Mom! What a cute nest Ann found in our own garden.” May’s Mom agreed that it was very sweet.They all wondered where to keep it.May then suggested that they could take it to school to show it to their class.Amy and Ann agreed.

The next day when they brought it to the class, Mrs.Tofeluck ,their teacher,kept it on the ‘ Amazing nature display ‘ table.It was a table where children could bring things related to nature to show to the class.Now,in their class,there was a boy named Giggy Eggstill,the class clown.Everybody called him Giggy Iggy.He nearly always got detention from Mrs.Tofeluck as he disturbed the class and seldom did his classwork or homework.He was particularly fond of birds.When he saw the weaver bird nest,he wanted it for himself but since he knew that things on the display table were only for display,he ,made a plan to steal it.

Giggy’s birthday was close and his Mom wanted to throw a surprise party for him.She sent out invitations for his birthday to all his friends.The invitation said:

“Come to my party!
Where : 32,Bleakenfeld House
When : 14th April, 2.00 pm
RSVP : My Mom.

Giggy then planned to sneak out the next day but when he was about to put his plan into action,he got detention for three hours ! He had to write a report about ‘ How to be kind’ with Ms.Kremshel .She was a very kind hearted teacher and also fond of Giggy.So Giggy found it safe to ask Ms.Kremshel if he could go outside and play instead of writing the report.She told him that he was under detention and so was not allowed to do that.He pleaded and pleaded till Ms.Kremshel said,”Naughty boy!Get back to your work!”

Giggy Iggy was very disappointed.He finished his report and checked his watch.There was still another one hour to go before his detention was over.He asked Ms.Kremshel “ What should I do now?May I go home?”
Ms.Kremshel said,” Do this test” .He was once again very disappointed but he went back to work.When he was done,he went home .
His mom then asked as to why he was so late.He then told her about his plan to steal the nest.His Mom said,” What? Naughty boy! Stealing is bad,you are not supposed to do that.You are grounded for two months but not on holidays and birthdays”.Giggy was horrified but said,”ok,I’ll go to my room .When his father came home ,Giggy told him the whole story from beginning to the end,Since Mr.Eggstill was not as strict as Mrs.Eggstill ,he managed to persuade Mrs.Eggstill to let Giggy be grounded for only one week.

One week passed and Giggy made another plan to get into trouble and stay in the school on detention.His plan was to say to his teacher that he forgot his bag in the class,then get permission to get it and when he gets there,he will do something mischevious .In the little time he has,he will steal the nest,put it in his bag so no one knows that its with him.

His plan worked.He triped John,a very cute,chubby and kind boy.John fell on his face and cut his left cheek ,very close to his eye.Mrs.Tofeluck got very worried for John and send him to First Aid Room with May.She then gave detention to Giggy who was actually very happy to get it.He got the opportunity to steal the pretty nest!

Giggy then came home with the nest in his bag and when he was taking it out,his father saw it.Mr.Eggstill then told Mrs.Eggstill about the nest.Mrs.Eggstill was shocked but then she said that they must take it from Giggy’s room at night when he is asleep and put it on ’ Take to school ‘ table.

Next morning,Giggy woke up to a surprise birthday song by his mom.After a special birthday breakfast,Giggy went to school.All the children exclaimed ,” Mrs.Tofeluck ! the weaver bird nest is missing!!” She then organized a search to find the missing nest.Of course they didn’t find it as it was on the ‘ Take to school table’ at Giggy’s house.Giggy didn’t know it was there.He thought it was in his bag and was very surprised when no one found it there !

After school he went home.Soon all his friends from school came to Giggy’s home as it was time for his birthday party.Giggy and his friends played hide and seek and had lots of fun.May,Ann and Amy wandered into the living room where the ‘Take to school’ table was kept.They were taken aback to see their nest there!

They then went to find Giggy to ask him to explain how the nest got there.When they found him,he told them everything about his plan.His parents also told that how they wanted Giggy to find the nest on the table and take it back to school.

Giggy felt very bad and made a promise that he would not be naughty again.Everyone was very happy.He then cut the birthday cake and all his friends wished him a very happy birthday.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Honey Badger Club Experience

I have joined the Honey Badger Club at the Johannesburg Zoo as a birthday gift. I will now be able to visit the zoo once every month and do different activities along with Imelda , Themba and about 40 other children .

In this visit , we got to see a half a metre high pile of dead chicks and carcasses , which are dead animal remains. First ,we went to the seal enclosure to give a fish to the seal. The fish was enclosed in ice . The seal was swimming around but when the fish was dropped into the water, it flipped the fish over with it’s nose about five times before eating it. After that , we went into the caracals cage while the caracals were somewhere else , to hide meat in their enclosure for them to eat . I touched a piece of meat and it felt gooey .Then we went to the spotted ganet’s cage to put in crickets and meat for it . While a few children were in the cage I saw the ganet climbing onto the wire railing.It looked at the children nervously,like a very cute cuddly kitten.

Later we went on the ferry.While on the trip ,we got off and saw the lions and then we went on to see the tigers.I made a new friend,Miran.When she and I were done looking at the tigers,we went to see the camels.On the ground there was lots of camel fur.We both picked up some up to bring it home.After the ferry ride,we went home.

It was a very fun experience.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Beagle in a Basket

by Lucy Daniels

Animal Ark is the veterinary practice at the back of Mandy Hope and her parents Emily and Adam Hope’s house .In all the Animal Ark stories , the story always revolves around Mandy and her best friend James Hunter.Geraldine O ’Mera ,a newspaper reporter for all country newspapers ,has two pets who are best friends .A beagle named Robbie and an old cat named Martha. One day, Martha fell ill with F.I.V -Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and died the next day. Robbie is very sad of losing his friend. Mandy and her best friend James Hunter try to cheer Robbie up.

Mandy brings a duck to Wood Vale, Geraldine’s home ,whose leg has been tangled in a nylon fishing line so that the duck can stay in the pond there.Mrs.Hope takes out the line out of the duck’s leg.Mandy asked Geraldine if she would help her with a biology project at school,to which Geraldine agreed.Geraldine provided lots of information about bees.The next day at school Mandy forgot to hand in her project and so she got a detention for a day from Mr.Marsh,the substitute biology teacher.But later next day when he sees the project,he is very impressed by it.

Its very funny when at Mandy’s detention,Mandy sees a tiny white head poking out of Mr.Marsh’s pocket and then another tiny black head out of another pocket.Rats.She gets speechless and points to Mr.Marsh towards his pockets.They are Eenie and Meenie.Mr.Marsh gives Eenie to Mandy to hold but she wraps herself around Mandy’s neck.Then they take both Eenie and Meenie to Animal Ark to get them checked over by Mrs.Hope as they both were sneezing and wheezing.

After her detention when Mandy goes home ,her dad ,Adam,shows Mandy a Burmese cat with her litter.She has three big males and one tiny female who seemed to be the runt of the litter and needed to be kept an eye on.The next morning,Mandy went around the residential unit and found that her dad was feeding the little female cat as her mother had rejected her.

After school,James comes to see the kittens and their mom.Mandy and James name the rejected kitten as Kitty.They fed her with some milk.When they went inside ,they saw Robbie and Geraldine in the waiting room.Geraldine told them that how Robbie was not as lively as before and was staying in the basket all the time.Mrs.Hope saw Robbie and promised to test his blood for F.I.V.

Then Mandy thought that maybe Geraldine could raise Kitty ,to which Geraldine refused.But the idea of adopting Kitty sat in her mind and Mandy hoped that she would take Kitty home one day.

It was a very good idea at last for which Geraldine thanked Mandy later.What made Geraldine change her mind and how did little Kitty help Geraldine is the mystery of the story.

It is a very nice addition to the Animal Ark series.I still have some more to read and write about.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ponies at the Point

by Lucy Daniels

Being an animal enthusiast , I love reading stories about animals . About two years ago , I came across an Animal Ark book called Goose on the Loose at the library, I read it and liked it. Since then , I have read a lot of Animal Ark books which are extra special as they have facts about animals as well .

Mandy, James and Mandy’s parents were on holiday in Connemara ,Ireland. On their first day ,Mandy and James find a herd of wild Connemara ponies. One pony seems to be the leader ,a strawberry roan, who they name Rosie ,and her foal, Connie who had a very cruel head-collar cutting into her face. Mandy and James tell Mr. and Mrs. Hope , Mandy’s parents ,about Connie .They told them that they had to try and tranquillize Connie to get the head –collar off her.The next day they all try to tranquillize Connie but their attempt failed as a boy names Sean Malone spooked the ponies at the last moment as he feared that they were going to kill Connie.

Later,Mandy and James went over to Lough Caher where Sean lived and found him talking to a horse.When he was finished,Mandy asked him if he could talk to Connie as well.Sean said he would try but the next day his father Mr.Malone grounded him for a day.Sean being a smart boy,escaped to meet Mandy at the beach.At the beach he saw Mandy and the herd.They together found that Rosie and Connie were not with the herd and later found them at a dead end but Connie had a fever and could not walk.Sean talked to Rosie and lifted Connie onto Rosie’s back.When they got to the rocky path,Rosie and Sean went up and Mandy and Connie stayed at the bottom.
Mrs.Hope,being a very caring and kind-hearted woman,came down the rocky path and helped Mandy carry Connie by making a stretcher out of her jacket.

All the action which happens to find out who put the collar on Connie makes this book a very exciting read.The bonus about reading this book is that I got to learn two Irish words,kil means church and cashel means castel.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Magic Boots

by Rinya Singh

There once was a land called Kangaroo land.It was a land where only Kangaroos lived.One kangaroo’s name was Ron.He was five years old.His sister’s name was Robin.She was a kind hearted sweet girl.She was six, a year older than Ron.They both lived in a house with their mother, Mary and father ,David.They had five turtles as pets who had laid fifty eggs.They also had some wild rabbits in their garden, who were a little tame.Ron went to kindergarten where he played with his friends.

One day,Ron was sleeping outside his house.It was a full blue moon night.At midnight, a pair of boots ,as magical as you could believe,appeared in the sky and landed on Ron’s tummy! Ron woke up with a start and wondered what had woken him up

“Now what woke me up?” he thought.

He could not see the boots as they were invisible.Soon he fell asleep again and when he woke up in the morning, he didn’t remember a thing! Later,he went to school.He had a lovely time playing at kindergarten.He made five new friends.Soon he became very popular.On his way back home,Ron wished he had some Ice-cream cake for lunch.Suddenly he noticed that a plate of Ice-cream cake appeared in front of him!

“ I am very lucky to have not stepped over it!” he thought.

He picked it up and made sure no one was around and took it home.He felt very excited.

When he got home,he found Robin playing in the garden with the rabbits.She was chasing them around and enjoying watching how fast they ran into their burrows.

Ron called out to Robin ,”Robin! Robin! I found this cake on my way back from school !”

Robin came running over, “Where did you find it?” she asked Ron.

Ron then told her that he found it on the pavement while hopping back home.Robin then screamed and shouted with excitement “ Yay! It looks so delicious.I want to gobble it up right now!”

Mary and David came rushing out and asked Ron what the noise was about.Robin then tells them about the cake and how Ron had found it.

“Its nearly tea time” says Mom “ Lets all go inside and have it along with tea”. Mary,David,Ron and Robin , all go inside with Ron being the most excited as he loved Ice-cream cake .It was finished very quickly.

The next morning Ron noticed that the rabbits were silently hopping away from the house.By the time he rushed downstairs into the garden,the rabbits were gone! He was sad and so he went looking for them.He found the rabbits in the big field,munching juicy leaves.

Ron thought,” If only we had a vegetable patch and nice green grass,the rabbits would never leave again and I too will be happy”.

No sooner had he thought this, a vegetable patch sprang up in the front garden.Ron went closer and had a look.It had bright red tomatoes,sweet carrots,delicious potatoes,red radishes,big green english cucumbers,crispy,green,leafy lettuce and a whole garden of fresh green grass.Ron was amazed and hopped with joy.

He called on Robin who came rushing and said,”Oh Ron! What’s the matter with you?” to which Ron said,”Why? dont you see the garden!”.

Robin looked around and was bewildered to see the garden with fresh vegetable patch.She called out,”Mom! Dad! Come quick!” Mary and David come running and David asked, ”Whats the matter?”

Then he stopped and saw the garden and he and Mom say together,”How did this happen? This morning the garden didn’t have such a beautiful vegetable patch or the fresh green grass!! ”

Ron and Robin say,”We don’t know how it happened but we can surely bring back the rabbits and feed the turtles and Mom can cook a lovely stew,isn’t it Mom?”

Mom nods her head and says smilingly ,”Of course,dear !”

So, Ron dug up a few carrots,Robin plucked a big lettuce bunch while Mom and Dad got busy picking some tomatoes, potatoes and English cucumbers.

Ron laid down a trail of carrots from his home to the big fields.He wanted to entice the rabbits to come back home and his plan worked ! All the rabbits came hopping along the trail with each of them holding a carrot in its mouth.They looked very happy and contended.Robin washed the lettuce and when she was done,she brought it to the turtles tank and was surprised to see that all of the eggs had hatched !

She quickly put the lettuce in the feed bowl and cried out, ”Mom ,Dad ,Ron ! come quick ,the turtle eggs have hatched !”.

But nobody came as they were all busy with the new vegetables they had found. Robin then began to play with the hatchlings .Mom got busy preparing dinner .Then Ron came back home very happy and looked for Robin to tell her that the rabbits were home but is surprised to see her playing with the hatchlings. He joins Robin. When dinner is ready, Mom calls the out but Ron and Robin don’t hear as they were busy playing with the hatchlings. Mom goes out looking for them and finds them with loads of egg shells and hatchlings.

She said,”Wow! When did they hatch?” to which Robin said, ”Mom ,I called you, Dad and Ron but you didn’t come.”

They all went inside and enjoyed the delicious dinner made out of the fresh vegetables in the garden.

At dinner table ,Dad asked ,”Where are we going to keep those fifty hatchlings?”
Robin said,” Dad, could we make a huge tank for them?”

Dad said,” To do that ,we need loads of material. It will also take quite a lot of time to build it.We will plan and then start making it.”

They all go to bed after a nice dinner .

But Ron stayed awake .He wished ,”Oh! How I wish the tank would be ready tomorrow !”

He woke up early the next morning and went out in the garden to get some fresh air and see the hatchlings. But to his astonishment ,he saw the big tank was ready in front of him. He was further surprised when he saw that the tank was fully equipped and the hatchlings were inside it! He was amazed and couldn’t believe his eyes .

Ron thought “how could Dad get all the material and make it overnight ?!”

But he didn’t know that the boots were granting him the wishes ! He called Robin who came running down to see what had happened .She was in mid-sentence saying “ Ron…..”but she stopped because she saw the big tank standing in front of her .
She asked Ron about the new tank.

Ron said “I don’t know .Dad must have made it overnight !”

Robin called out for her Dad and Mom . Dad tells them that he did not build it as he was asleep all night . Now Dad, Mom ,Robin and Ron ,all thought that this was something very strange .Then Ron realized that the cake appeared out of nowhere , the garden transformed and now a new tank appeared! He then became aware of the fact that whatever he wished for ,was coming true ! He then told it to everyone .They also thought that Ron was right. At this,Robin told Ron that he could wish for something and if it came true,the theory would be right.So Robin asked Ron to wish for a new purple dress for her.Ron wished that his sister had a beautiful purple dress and no sooner had he wished for it,the dress appeared in front of him! Robin was stunned and so were Mom,Dad and Ron.

Mom said,” Ron,please wish for a nice new apron for me.”Once again,Ron wished for it and the apron appeared.Dad also wanted to give it a try.So he asked for a new tool box.Once again,it appeared in front of Ron!

So they all thought that someone or something was granting Ron the wishes .They all wondered what could that be.

Mom then said,”Lets go to bed now and tomorrow we all will put our heads together and think what could be granting Ron the wishes”.

Everyone agreed as they were tired and sleepy.Ron couldn’t go to sleep and he wished he had a clue.No sooner he wished that,the boots appeared in his room and a little bird popped out of them and said,” Tweet,tweet,hello! My name is Bells.What is your name?”

Ron was astonished and stuttered,”M.. m..m..my n..n..n..name i..i..i..is R.. R..R.. Ron.”

“Well,hello R..R..R..Ron !”

Then Ron said,”Bells,my name is Ron,not R..R..R..Ron.I got scared that’s why I was stuttering but now I feel better.”

Bells said,”Here is a clue.”

“What clue?” asked Ron.

“Why,the clue you wished for.” said Bells.

Ron realized that Bells was the clue he wished for ! Ron felt very excited and thought that he would atlast know who gave him the wishes and why.So he asked Bells what was the clue.Then Bells explained that it was she who was the master of the boots and had landed on his tummy by accident.Ron wanted to know the whole story.

Bells began.She told Ron how she was travelling in the boots to a cheetah’s house but was so hungry that she decided to land and have some food but the boots dropped down on Ron’s tummy.Bells came out and made the boots and herself invisible as Ron had woken up .Bells looked around the house for something to munch over but couldn’t find anything that she liked.So she decided to stay and see how the kangaroo family fed themselves and their pets.She soon found out that they didn’t have enough fresh food to eat and feed.So she granted Ron ten wishes .

At this Ron exclaimed ,” I still have three more wishes ! Yey !!”

Bells then told Ron that he must use all the three wishes before the next blue moon as she would have to leave by then.Ron called out everyone and told them about Bells and the last three wishes. He brought the boots with Bells in them to show everyone.They all decided to wish for some fruit trees in the garden,some fun games and new clothes for all.Ron then wished for all of these and they were granted.

Then Bells came out and said,”Farewell everybody !Enjoy your wishes and keep well! Bye !”

Mom,Dad,Ron and Robin all waved their hands to Bells who was up in the sky and said together,”Farewell Bells ! and a big Thank you !”.

Friday, August 14, 2009

My Secret Unicorn

My Secret Unicorn : Moonlight Journey

By Linda Champman

Lauren, a girl who moved from the city to a farm called Granger’s farm has a pony called Twilight.But Twilight is not an ordinary pony,he is a unicorn.In this adventure,Lauren’s friend Mel,who has also has a pony ,Shadow,falls ill with an illness that the vet could not cure but Twilight being a unicorn,could cure everyone. He tried to cure but couldn’t cure Shadow.Bewildered,Lauren asks Mrs Fontana,a local bookstore owner and the only person who knew about Twilight,for advice.Mrs.Fontana gives Lauren a map to a place that appears every night at midnight.It is where Unicorn Elders meet to take unicorns back to Arcadia.

Lauren is scared that Twilight would want to go back to Arcadia forever.It was a bit boring when Lauren and Twilight fly to Arcadia.But it was very exciting when they both and Sidra reach the waterfall if Stars where Lauren fills up a bottle of the water to take back to earth.

Do they make it?Will Twilight stay with Lauren?Will they be able to cure Shadow before it is too late?To get the answers you have to read the lovely story.
This book has magic,animals and adventure,which are all my favorites.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Adventures Of Fluffy ,the Hamster

by Rinya Singh

Fluffy was a cute little girl hamster with a fluffy grey coat,therfore ,her name was Fluffy.She was owned by a girl named Tulip.Fluffy had lots and lots of fun with Tulip everyday.On some days,Tulip would put a leotard and tutu on Fluffy and play ballet with her.One day,Tulip made a jungle gym out of cardboard,old plastic rings and leaves from her garden.It looked very exciting.She put it on her bed so Fluffy could play on it.Fluffy climbed through the rings,bit through the cardboard and had a rest in the bed of leaves.

Tulip always took very good care of her pet.She locked the cage everyday and made sure it was locked at night as well.One day,her friend Lily came over to her house for a play date.That day,it rained heavily and Lily’s mom couldn’t come to fetch Lily back to her house.So Lily had to have a sleepover at Tulip’s house.That night,Tulip forgot to secure Fluffy’s cage! Being a very curious little hamster,she went out to explore!

Soon she found out that the curtains in the living room were easy to climb on and since the window was open enough for Fluffy to squeeze through,she popped out into the garden.Once she was in the garden,she suddenly saw Tulip and thought “oh no! she will put me back into my boring cage! I don’t want to go in ! I want to have some fun in the garden tonight.”So,little Miss Fluffy hid behind a tree,waiting for Tulip to go back to her room and sleep.But strangely,Tulip wasn’t moving!

Fluffy got very tired waiting behind the tree and slowly began to creep out into the garden and since she was a very active hamster,she jumped around and found herself on Tulip’s hand!Tulip didn’t react.But then,Fluffy realizes that she is not on Tulip’s hand but instead she is on a goblin’s hand! She feels very scared and begins to tremble.Then she sees that the flowers and bushes in the garden are nothing but elves and goblins.Fluffy asks an elf why they captured her.The naughty elves and goblins all sit around Fluffy and say together,” for fun!”

The elves quickly push Fluffy onto a dry piece of sand.All of a sudden goblins come rushing up with a very beautiful flower growing potion which they pour around Fluffy.Bright,colourful flowers spring up as soon as it touches the ground.Five goblins and ten elves hurry to the nearest vine tree and cut off four long strips of vine.They all hurry off and give it to the other goblins who are holding Fluffy captive in the flower patch.Fluffy got very scared,thinking,”what are they going to do with the vines?” The elves then take the pieces of vine and quickly tie one end to a flower stem near Fluffy’s paws and the other end to her front and hind paws.Fluffy was trapped !! “What will happen now !” She thought.

After tying Fluffy,all elves and goblins run away and disappear into the darkness.Fluffy wonders where could they all have gone?Then suddenly she thinks that she could try and escape.She tries to stretch her neck and bite off the vines binding her to the flower stems but she fails to do it.She lay there for what seemed like hours and hours and she dreamed how Tulip would find her and rescue her.But her dream was interrupted by a little light,coming out from behind the trees.She spots a very pretty fairy,dressed in spider silk with lots of colourful flowers,hopping merily around the garden patch.Fairy stops to admire the beautiful flowers in the garden.Her name was Crystal.While she was busy looking around the garden,Crystal suddenly spots Fluffy and says,” how did you little cute hamster get stuck in there?I must save you!”She was a very kind hearted fairy.Crystal takes out her lovely ,sparkly wand and quickly mutters a fairy spell which Fluffy couldn’t hear.The secret spell to free someone in trouble was “Hadin Freein” and was supposed to be said four times very softly and in a whispering voice.Soon Fluffy was free!

“Now”,Crystal says “how did you get stuck there?”Fluffy tells Crystal everything .After hearing the whole story,Crystal gets very angry and say,”We have to tell The Princess ”.Fluffy asks,”Where is The Princess?” ,to which Crystal answers,”Up in the clouds,of course!”Fluffy gets very excited but is also worried as to how she is going to get there but suddenly she finds herself flying up in the air with a beautiful pair of shimmering golden wings which Crystal has magically put on Fluffy.Fluffy exclaims,”Hey,Crystal,how did you do that?” Crystal laughs and says”Magic!”

Soon they were flying faster and faster towards a beautiful palace hidden among the clouds.Crystal and Fluffy land on the palace gardens and Crystal takes a silver knocker and taps it on the door.A cute little elf opens the door and lets them in.Crystal then leads Fluffy to princesses chamber and knocks upon a golden knocker and a pink fairy opens the door.When she sees Crystal,she quickly lets her in.Fluffy is also let in and is then led into a beautiful room where she sees a another fairy all dressed up in a sparkly silver gown.The princess,Lisa,asks Crystal and Fluffy,”What brings you here?”, to which they both tell their story as to how Fluffy was captured by the elves and goblins and how Crystal had saved the little hamster.

Once hearing their story,Princess Lisa gets very angry and asks her special pink fairy to bring the snow white rabbits and the silver chariot.They all leave together for Fluffy’s garden to arrest the elves and goblins.When they reach the garden,Princess Lisa,pink fairy,Crystal and the snow white rabbits make themselves invisible by the magic spell of Fairyland.The Princess asks Fluffy to go back to the place where she was tied up and shout”Help,help me, Tulip!”.

So, Fluffy does as Princess Lisa had told her to.After a while,all the elves and goblins come out ,wondering why Fluffy was shouting.They all had been sleeping in the trees and didn’t notice that Fluffy had gone missing.When they all come out,Princess Lisa,Crystal,the pink fairy and the snow white rabbits,all appear and the elves and goblins turn pale and all say together,”Oh! The Princess!” and gulp.
Princess Lisa then commands that all the goblins be put into the Fairyland jail and the elves become Fluffy’s servants.She tells Crystal to stay with Fluffy as a guard so that the elves couldn’t trick little Fluffy again.Princess Lisa then snaps her fingers and she,pink fairy,snow white rabbits and of course,the goblins, all go back to the cloud palace while Fluffy,Crystal and the elves all stay in the garden.Crystal tells Fluffy that she and the elves will only be active at night and during the day they will turn into tiny flowers in the garden.

Crystal then notices that its about to be dawn and asks Fluffy to go back into her cage inside the house.Fluffy reluctantly goes back but promises to sneak out at night again to play with Crystal and the elves.

In the morning,Tulip and Lily have their breakfast outside in the garden and notice the little flowers which Tulip had never seen before.They both think that they are wild flowers but very pretty to be plucked out and thrown away.So they let them be.After their breakfast,Lily is ready to go home but wants to see Fluffy one more time.Tulip brings the cage in the garden for Lily to see Fluffy.As soon as Tulip opens the cage door,Fluffy runs towards the tiny flowers.Tulip picks up Fluffy and gives her to Lily to play with.

Fluffy thinks,”Oh! Only if they knew what happened last night!It was scary but tonight its going to be fun!”She really wanted to tell Tulip and Lily what an adventure she had.

From then,the cute little nocturnal Fluffy had no lonely moments as she had ten elevs and a kind hearted Crystal to play with.

( In the loving memory of my pet hamster,Fluffy)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince ---- The Movie

Harry Potter And The Half -Blood Prince, By J.K Rowling

Daniel Radcliff as Harry Potter in year six at Hogwarts ,looks more older than he was in year one and so do Emma Watson as Hermoine Granger and Rupert Grint as Ron. Michael Gambon as Proffesor Dumbeldore looks almost the same.

The movie begins by Harry waiting at a train station for Professor Dumbeldore and it surprised me to see the Professor suddenly appearing after a train has passed.He asks Harry to hold his arm and they immediately land in the village of Budleigh Babberton .Dumbeldore tells Harry that they have to pursue Horace Slughorn ,his old friend, to come back to Hogwarts and teach. They reach Horace’s deserted house .But then Professor Dumbeldore pokes on an armchair with the tip of wand and it says’ Oww’ and a man rises and that was Horace .This was a hilarious appearance.

The scene in which Fred and George Weasley ‘s shop, Weasley’s Wizarding Whezes ,Ron asks his brothers how much the boxes he was holding cost ,they say” five Galleons”, to which Ron says “ I am your brother!” ,then Fred and George say” ten Galleons!” was very funny. Another interesting scene in the movie was when Katie Bell ,a Gryffindor Chaser in Quidditch , floats in the air and screams.Yet another fascinating part is when Aragog,Hagrid’s huge spider friend ,dies and Hagrid , Profssor Slughorn and Harry bury him. It is said that Aragog is a real model and they had to use a crane to lift it. You can realy see the spells moving in the air. One scary part is when the death eaters zip around looking like black stripes in the air .

The music was nice and it went with the flow of the movie.In one scene,Harry uses a spell called Sectumsempera ,which makes gashes in the person’s chest , but Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy didn’t lose any blood as there were long tubes filled with fake blood pasted to his body .One time Tom had to change costumes seven times.

I would watch this movie over and over again as it has a bit of mystery in it and some funny scenes as well.But there is lots of magic which I love a lot.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban

By J.K Rowling

Harry is having a fine time with the Dursleys at the start of his school holidays.One day,Uncle Vernon’s sister,Marge,comes to stay with the Dursleys.At dinner,Aunt Marge insults Harry’s deceased parents and he gets angry.Accidently,he inflates Aunt Marge who flies up and everyone asks Harry to put her down but he just runs away.He hates the Dursleys and thinks that he had enough of them treating him as a servant.Aunt Marge continues to stay at their house.Harry runs away and gets picked up by the Knight bus which is an emergency transport for a stranded witch or wizard.It drops him off at the Leaky Cauldron.It is a special place as in its backyard ,by tapping a few bricks with the wand,a magical doorway to a place called Diagon Alley appears,where there are lots of wizarding shops including Gringotts and the only wizarding bank ,run by the goblins.At Diagon Alley,Harry meets the Weasleys and they all go to the railway station where they can board the train to Hogwarts.

On their way to Hogwarts, Dementors,the guards of the wizard prison Azkaban,come to search for Sirius Black on the Hogwarts Express.It is very scary when they search for the escaped prisioner Sirius who is Harry’s Godfather.Harry faints ,as he hears a screaming sound of his dead mother in his head.Dementors have the power to make a person reveal the darkest moments of their lives and this was Harry’s one of those moments.Lupin wakes him up and they soon reach Hogwarts.Dementors are unable to find Sirius as he is not in the train.When Harry and the Weasleys reach Hogwarts,they find that Professor Lupin is a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

At Christmas,Harry gets an unexpected new broomstick as a gift which Professor McGonagall takes away from him.Hermoine tells the professor about the gift being from an unknown person and they fear that this person could be Sirius Black who they think wants to kill Harry.Everyone believes that Sirius was a spy for Lord Voldemort who was supposed to keep the Potters ,James and Lily safe but actually Voldemort kills them.

After the death of Harry’s parents and Voldemorts downfall,Sirius has a wizard duel with Peter Pettigrew ,a friend of James and supposedly kills him.Because of this ,Sirius is sent to Azkaban by the Minister of Magic.

One day,at Hogwarts,a boy named Draco Malfoy gets hurt by Buckbeak ,a hippogriff.Hippogriffs are creatures that are part giant eagle and part horse.He attacks Draco in the Care of Magical Creatures Class ,whose teacher is Hagrid. Buckbeak goes to a hearing because he supposedly hurt Draco very badly . For this , the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures decides that Buckbeak should be executed .On the day of execution,Ron ,Hermione and Harry go down to meet Hagrid .While they all are at Hagrid’s hut ,they find Scabbers ,Ron’s pet rat who had been missing for a long time .Then suddenly, the people who were going to execute Buckbeak ,arrive and Harry ,Ron and Hermione hurry back to the school as they didn’t want to be seen by them .But then Scabbers bites Ron’s finger and escapes .Ron runs after him but a big black dog appears who pulls Ron towards the Whomping Willow while Ron tries to hold onto one of the roots with his leg but it snaps and he gets dragged under the Willow. Hermione and Harry try to get into the Willow to save Ron but the branches of the tree swirl around and hurt them. Hermione’s cat,Crookshanks, helps them get under the Whomping Willow. They save Ron but waiting under the tree is Sirius Black himself.

This is very interesting . While they are in the tree ,Professor Lupin comes and joins them .After him comes Professor Snape .Later,they all come out of the Willow . Lupin then turns into a werewolf and attacks Harry and his friends.Soon Sirius goes to the lake at Hogwarts and passes out but then the Dementors find him .Harry drives them away with a spell but passes out himself and wakes up in the hospital wing as he hears the Minister of Magic ,Cornelius Fudge and Professor Snape talking about the previous night’s incident .

It is very frightening when the Dementors, who feed on happiness and good feelings and can also suck out the soul of people called the Dementors kiss, come near the lake and Harry has to drive them away on his own.When Harry wakes up, he gets to know that the Dementors are going to perform the Dermentors Kiss on Sirius.He and Hermoine try to explain to Cornelius that Sirius is innocent but he doesn’t believe them.

Dumbeldore tells Harry and Hermoine to go back in time where they save Buckbeak who helps them save Sirius.

It is a very exciting book and I am thrilled every time I read it.I have already read it about five times and am still fascinated by it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets

By J.K Rowling

Mr.Dursley and his family are having dinner with the Masons, the builders with whom they were going to sign a contract .Mr.Dursley runs a drill making firm called Grunnings .Suddenly, a house –elf ,a magical creature, appears on Harry’s bed and introduces himself as Dobby but they normally work as servants in a wizarding household .Dobby warns Harry to not go back to Hogwarts because he says that terrible things are going to happen there.But Harry does not listen to his warnings as he thinks that it is the only place he has friends .He does’nt agree with Dobby about not going there so Dobby levitates Harry’ s Aunt ,Petunia’s pudding and then makes it crash onto the kitchen floor.This was a funny part.This gets Harry into big trouble with the Dursleys as the contract does’nt get signed as the owl also comes flying in and scares Mrs.Mason away .Mr.Mason runs after her and telling the Dursleys that she hated birds.The effect of this incident was devastating for the Dursleys and Harry.

Later,his Uncle Vernon pays a man to fix bars to Harry’s windows so can’t escape and meet his friends but one night,one of his friends,Ron Weasley comes flying with his twin brothers,Fred and George in a car,their dad has enchanted.They rescue Harry from The Dursleys.

There are four houses at Hogwarts: Gryffindor ,Hufflepuff,Ravenclaw and Slytherin. They were the founders of Hogwarts.Slytherin was more choosy about the children coming to Hogwarts .He thinks that only pure-bloods are supposed to be allowed in Hogwarts ,the others refuse ,so Slytherin leaves the school and he makes the Chamber of Secrets and says that his heir would kill all the Muggle-born in the school.Lots of Muggle-born children are Petrified at Hogwarts including Harry and Ron’s best friend Hermione.They are very shocked when Professor McGonagall’s,a teacher at Hogwarts tells them about Hermione being Petrified

It is very exciting when Harry,Ron and Professor Lockhart,a teacher at Hogwarts,find the Chamber of secrets,a legendary place inside Hogwarts.It is thought to be the home of a monster and Lockhart tries to remove Harry and Ron’s memory but the charm backfires.It is very funny.

It is very frightening when in the chamber,the basilisk,a giant deadly snake,starts to chase Harry.

The second Harry Potter book is a joy to read but terrifying at the same time.I did smile and laugh a few times.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

By J.K Rowling

My mom got me my first Harry Potter book when I was 5 1/2 years old.It was No.2,Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, but I didn’t understand a few characters so I asked my mom for No.1 and ever since I have been reading the entire series over and over again.

Harry is a orphan boy of ten years old .His parents were killed by the dark Lord Voldemort when he was one year old .Strange things happen to the people around him because he is a wizard. Near his eleventh birthday he gets lots of letters addressed to him which confirm Harry’s acceptance to Hogwarts,a wizarding school and a list of the things and books he will need to become a wizard.His uncle,Vernon Dursley destroys all of them as he does not want Harry to become a wizard.He nails the letter box shut so no letters can come through it.It’s funny when Mr.Dursley nails the mail box shut but the letters reach the house in a different way.They come in from tiny, thin spaces in the house and from inside the eggs.

There are 3 types of wizards:1 Pure-bloods in which all the family are witches and wizards.2.Half-bloods in which the mom or dad can be Muggle and the other parent wizard. 3 Muggle-born in which both parents are non-wizards.

The scary part is in the end when Professor Quirrell,one of Harry’s teachers at Howgwarts has two faces.One is his own and the other is Voldemort’s disfigured face.

It is overall a scary ,sometimes happy story.

Friday, May 15, 2009

My Dad’s got an Alligator By Jeremy Strong

In this hilarious book,Ronald,Nicholas’s dad brings home a surprise from work,an alligator and names it Crunchbag. Ronald puts Crunchbag in Nicholas’s mom,Brenda's bath and it eats up all the soap and the plastic toy boat.

Ronald doesn’t think that Crunchbag is dangerous as he claims that it is a vegetarian so it won’t eat people in the house.Brenda doesn’t like anything with lots of teeth as they can eat meat.One day while Ronald was at work,Nicholas and Brenda were looking for granny and when they couldn’t find her Brenda thinks that Crunchbag has eaten her.But it turns out that she was at the video store buying a new snooker video.

Crunchbag is finally given away to the zoo because it causes too much trouble.Brenda tells Ronald that he can have a pet except a crocodile or an alligator.And he brings home a vulture,which I find really funny.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Magic Ponies No.1 A New Friend

By Sue Bentley

In this story , Comet a magic Pony , tries to find his twin sister, Destiny. One day while playing in the sky, Comet notices that his naughty sister was wearing the precious stone on her neck which protects their herd from the evil horses. Suddenly it drops down .They swoop down to search for it but they can’t find it .She runs away as she thinks she is in big trouble by losing the stone .

During the story ,Comet meets a young girl named Eleanor Gale who is staying at her Aunt Pippa’s house for her school holidays .Her mom and dad are people in the Orchestra . They are going for a tour, Eleanor has the choice of either going with them or she could stay with her Aunt as her parents went on tour . This choice enables her to help Comet find his sister in the forest.

It is a lovely story, though Sue Bently has written three series ,Magic Kitten , Magic Puppy and Magic Ponies which all have almost the same concept even though they are different series.